2024 Grand Champion Market Chickens
Shannon's pen of Market Chicken pullets won as Grand Champion market chicken at the 2024 Boulder County Fair!
Her chickens went to the market sale, and her pen of 3 pullets earned her $700, plus add-ons. You don't have to pay $700 for 3 chickens, so what a deal!
This kid is amazing, and loves her poultry, goats, sheep and cattle.

Grass Fed Lamb
Whole, Half or Retail
Grass-fed, pastured lamb. Reserve a whole or half lamb today. Lambs are born and raised on our farm, are self-weaned and stay with their moms in the flock their whole lives.
Price is $6.50/lb hanging weight plus processing costs. Click through for more details and to reserve a lamb.
Pastured Pork
Whole, Half or Retail
Pastured Pork, raised on pasture, vegetables, raw milk and eggs. Reserve a whole or half hog. We will contact you with processing dates and to determine special processing requests
Price is $5.50/lb hanging weight plus processing costs. Click through for more details and to reserve pork
Pastured Poultry
Eggs, Chicken, Duck, Turkey, Quail
Our birds are truly free range, and have access to our 6 acre pasture, so they can forage for grass and bugs. Eggs are typically available in spring, and early in the season at the Berthoud Farmer's Market, Chicken and Duck available spring and summer, turkeys for Thanksgiving
Grass Fed Beef
Quarters or Retail
Grass-fed, Pastured beef. We bring in steers to raise on our farm, limited quantities available, we usually only raise 1-3 per year. Click through below to learn more about our beef and how to purchase retail cuts or reserve beef quarters.
$7.50/lb hanging weight plus processing.
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Come on Down to the Farm!
Want to learn more about our farm and plan a visit? Get in touch!
Site visits need to be planned in advance, due to work required to run the farm, we are not always available for visitors. Visits are by appointment only.
101 Bothun Rd, Berthoud, CO 80513