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15 Lambs and a Bottle Baby

Kristin Ramey

Freckles gave birth yesterday to a ram lamb we named Obi Wan Kenobi. He's pretty cute. Nope, there isn't anything in his mouth, those are just the markings on his face!

Freckles is a young mom, but this isn't her first lamb. She was pretty nervous having us around last night, but they settled down together to go to sleep. Obi Wan is Freckles' second lamb, and the 15th born on the farm in 2017. He's number 199 born on the farm in total! The next mom to go (I suspect will be Juno or Betty) will be number 200!

Things are going well, but we do have a bottle lamb.

R2D2 was born to Dancer. He was her first born, and I was able to get a video of the birth of her second. She did not abandon him out of the gate, you can see in the video how much attention she is paying to him. And it isn't a straight-out abandonment. She still looks at him when he calls and will sniff him out. She doesn't butt him hard, just gently nudges him away. He can sometimes sneak a drink if she's not paying attention, but if she figures it out, she walks away from him. It's heart breaking. So we are supplementing with a bottle. He's a cute little dude, our first all brown one this season.

If you'd like to see the birth of his brother, C3P0, you can watch Dancer in labor here.

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