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  • Kristin Ramey

Sunday Ramblings

I don't really have anything specific to say, I just feel like talking to you folks!

I put my first batch of duck eggs in the incubator last weekend, and another batch in today. Three more weeks until our first ducklings! I can't wait! The above picture were some from last year's hatching, swimming in their "new" pond, which we really need to finish once the ground is hard enough to get the backhoe over there again. I do need to clean up a space in the sewing room to set up their brooder, but I've got three more weeks. *wink* I think I am going to start a load of chicks in the incubator, too, so baby chicks are coming too! Yay for baby season! (Don't forget we have 19 lambs on the farm, and a few more ewes that may be expecting in the next few months)

I am also desperately looking forward to next week - when we drop our truck off to have the lift gate installed. No more lifting heavy things! And our trips to the brewery to pick up grain can be a one person gig from now on. AWESOME!

We found a kitten in the barn a little while back. I've posted her to several community groups looking for an owner, and no one has stepped up yet. We are working on getting her shots and getting her spayed. The vet thinks she is in heat, so she's got our tack room in the barn to herself until I know she won't get pregnant! We've had kittens once on the farm, to a cat I had scheduled to be spayed, but she was so far along, I just didn't have the heart to eliminate all those kittens, so we let her have them, found all but one, good homes to go to. And that one? She stayed with us and got spayed. I just don't want this little one to get pregnant. There are plenty of cats in this world looking for good homes. We named her Sally, in case we get to keep her, we'll take good care of her here.

And of course, I swore off raising cattle. But here we are, with a 5 month old Hereford/Simmental cross. He's pretty calm, and we love having him around. He's helping us eat the spent grains from the brewery. We are also sharing them with our neighbor's daughter, who has 2 pregnant Belted Galloway heifers in the field next to us. They love the grain, too! We're happy to share! Here's a picture of the little guy, his name is Lando Calrissian, to stick with the Star Wars theme for the year. Larry is calling him Colt 45. I just call him Lando. (As an aside, Larry wanted to call him Jabba the Hutt since he was the biggest thing on the farm. I just couldn't do it. We couldn't go with Darth Vader because of his white face. So leaving the bad guys aside, I went with Lando. Many other Star Wars names have already been taken)

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