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Two More Lambs

Kristin Ramey

Lambing season is in full swing! We keep expecting lambs any day, but are surprised at how full the mama's are, and they aren't birthing yet. Anyhow, we are waiting for Angel and Sharon, who are very full. But yesterday were surprised when Hattie gave us these two cuties. Queen Amidala and Padme.

OK, so in honor of Carrie Fisher, who represented one of the most kick butt Princesses to grace the silver screen, I am using Star Wars names this year. The utter lack of female names is going to make this as challenging as the year I did Norse Mythology (and had wonderful names like Skeggold and Olrun to line up with Thor and Odin). So I am going to have to dig deep into Star Wars canon to find female names.

I am hoping Betty gives me a girl and a boy I can name Luke and Leia, as I plan on keeping her littles this year. However, that gorgeous light brown little one is Queen Amidala, as I suspect I might be keeping her, too! It's a rare occasion to get that color,

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